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Ti heb glywed dim fel hyn

Mae Mali wedi dangos o fewn cyfnod byr ei thalent a'i brwdfrydedd wrth fynd ati i greu caneuon arloesol gyda agweddau pop, sydd wedi syfrdannu'r sîn yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Yn artist gweledol iawm, mae ei perfformiadau byw a fideos wedi creu enw iddi, gyda Mali ei hun wedi cyfarwyddo sawl un ei hun. Cafodd yr EP 'Jig-so' ei rhyddhau ar Côsh, sy'n cynnwys y caneuon 'Blaidd' a 'Boudicca'.

Mali has shown off her talent and enthusiasm in a short period of time, creating innovative songs with pop aspects, which have stunned the scene in Wales and beyond. A great visual artist, her live performances and videos have made her a name to be watched, with Mali herself having directed several of her own works. The 'Jig-so' EP was released on Côsh, and includes the songs 'Blaidd' and 'Boudicca'.

Celf Boudicca.jpeg
Mei Emrys
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